
Stirling, UK. 10.05.2019. Stellar Quines, in association with Imaginate, present "This Girl Laughs, This Girl Cries, This Girl Does Nothing", which tours from the 11th May, starting at the Macrobert Arts Centre, Stirling, then Aberdeen, St Andrews, Kirkcaldy, Gasgow, Paisley, the Isle of Skye, Inverness, Moffat, Musselburgh. Directed by the Artistic Director of Stellar Quines, Jemima Levick, with set design by Jean Chan, and lighting design by Katharine Williams. The cast is: Kim Allan, Rehanna MacDonald, Ewan Somers and Betty Valencia. Photograph © Jane Hobson.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Betty Valencia, Children's, E J Boyle movement director, Ewan Somers, Festival Expos Fund, Finegan Kruckemeyer writer, Imaginate, Imaginate Festival, Jean Chan set designer, Jemima Levick director, Jen White producer, Katharine Williams lighting designer, Kim Allan, Macrobert Arts Centre, Novasound sound design, Rehanna MacDonald, Scotland, Stellar Quines, Stirling, This Girl, act, actor, adventure, arts, children, cries, does nothing at all, dream, dreams, entertainment, fairy tale, inspiration, journey, laughs, motivation, play, stage, staged, staging, tenacious, theater, theatre, trio, triplets