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EMBARGOED UNTIL 23:00 FRIDAY 18 OCTOBER 2019: London, UK. 16.10.2019.  English National Opera presents "The Mask of Orpheus", by Sir Harrison Birthwhistle, libretto by Peter Zinovieff, at the London Coliseum, in its first London restaging in the 30 years since its premiere, coinciding with the celebration of Sir Harrison's 85th birthday. Directed by Daniel Kramer, with lighting design by Peter Mumford, set design by Lizzie Clachan and costume design by Daniel Lismore. Picture shows: Peter Hoare (Orpheus the Man), Leo Hedman (Aristaeus the Hero), Alfa Marks (Eurdice the Hero), Matthew Smith (Orpheus the Hero), Marta Fontanals-Simmons (Eurydice the Woman), Claron McFadden (The Oracle fo the Dead). Photograph © Jane Hobson.