
Maxine Peake in "Avalanche: A Love Story", by Julia Leigh, directed by Anne-Louise Sarks, at the Barbican Theatre from 1st - 12th May, as part of Fertility Fest. Picture shows: Maxine Peake.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Anne-Louise Sarks director, Avalanche a Love Story, Barbican Theatre, Ciara THompson, Fertility Fest, IVF, Julia Leigh writer, Marg Horwell designer, Maxine Peake, Stefan Gregory Composer and Sound Design, actor, actress, arts, childfree, childless, drama, dramatic, entertainment, real life, stage, staged, staging, theater, theatrical, thespian, true story, Lizzie Powell lighting designer, Kiera Thompson