
The National Theatre of Great Britain presents "Peter Gynt", by David Hare, directed by Jonathan Kent, at the Festival Theatre, as part of the Edinburgh International Festival. Picture shows: Ann Louise Ross (Agatha), James McArdle (Peter Gynt)
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Andrew Fraser, Ann Louise Ross, David Hare writer, Dick Straker video designer, EIF, Edinburgh International Festival, Henrik Ibsen, Illusions Chris Fisher, Isabelle Joss, James McArdle, Jatinder Singh Randhawa, Jonathan Coy, Jonathan Kent director, Lauren Ellis-Steele, Lorne McFadyen, Mark Henderson lighting designer, National theatre of Great Britain, Peter Gynt, Polly Bennett movement director, Richard Hudson set and costume desinger, Scotland, Tamsin Carroll, act, acting, actor, actors, arts, director, drama, dramatic, entertainment, play, players, playing, production, stage, staged, staging, theatre, theatrical, thespian, thespians