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Edinburgh, UK. 08.08.2018. The visionary contemporary choreographer and director Wayne McGregor leads his critically acclaimed Company Wayne McGregor with “Autobiography” at the Festival Theatre, as part of the Edinburgh International Festival.<br />
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For 25 years, Wayne McGregor has made choreography that interrogates life through the experience of the body. Now McGregor turns his attention to the body as archive, with a dance portrait illuminated by the sequencing of his own genome by world-leading geneticists. Autobiography, is an abstract meditation on aspects of self, life, writing, refracting both remembered pasts and speculative futures. The company is:  Daniela Neugebauer, Fukiko Takase, Jacob O’Connell, James Pett, Jessica Wright, Jordan Jarnes, Louis McMiller, Po-Lin Tung, Rebecca Bassett-Graham, Travis Clausen-Knight. Picture shows: Jordan James, Travis Clausen-Knight, Fukiko Takase. Photograph © Jane Hobson.