
Oona Doherty's HARD TO BE SOFT, part of Dance Umbrella, at the Southbank Centre, 11 October 2019. Picture shows: Oona Doherty.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Alicia Coates, Anna Mallinson, Charlie Taylor, Ciaran Bagnall lighting designer, Eileih Muir, Eileih MuirOliver Andrews-Waller, Emilia Gould, Erin Eastmond, Evie Tolley, Hard to Be Soft, Iolanda Dickson, Jack Phelan AV design, Jada Small-Elcock, John Scott, Leo Udvarlaky, Lottie Hawkins, Luca Trufarelli film designer, Meat Kaleidoscope, Oona Doherty, Paige Lilley, Queen Elizabeth Hall, Sam Finnegan, Southbank Centre, Sugar Army, Tate Tooby, arts, choreographer, choreography, dance, dancer, dancers, dancing, entertainment, female, gender, male, man, men, stage, staged, staging, terpsichore, terpsichorean, toxic masculinity, young women