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20170410_CompagnieXY_Its NotYetMidnight_Roundhouse_©JaneHobson_rNBS-4249.jpg
Compagnie XY presents IT'S NOT YET MIDNIGHT... at the Roundhouse, from 10th to 23rd April 2017. Performers are: Abdeliazide Senhadji, Amaia Valle, Andres Somoza, Airelle Caen, Alice Noel, Soen Geinart, Antoine Thirion, Aurore Liotard, Charlie Vergnaud, David Badia Hernandez, David Coll Povedano, Denis Dulon, Evertjan Mercier, Guillaume Sendron, Gwendal Beylier, Bahoz Temaux, Mohamed Bouseta, Romain Guimard, Thomas Samacoïts, Thibaut Berthias, Antonio Terrones, Zinzi Oegema.