
Dundee Rep presents, in association with the Royal Lyceum Edinburgh, “Sunset Song”, written by Morna Young, after Lewis Grassic Gibbon, co-conceived by Finn den Hertog and Morna Young, directed by Finn den Hertog, with music by Finn Anderson. Set and costume design is by Emma Bailey, lighting design by Emma Jones, movement direction by Vicki Manderson, and sound design by Ritchie Young. The performers are: Danielle Jam (Chris), Rori Hawthorn (Jean), Murray Fraser (Ewan), Ali Craig (John), Ann Louise Ross (Chae), Samuel Pashby (Long Rob), Naomi Stirrat (Will), Kirsten Henderson (Marget).
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Ali Craig, Ann Louise Ross, Anna Dawson, Chris Guthrie, Danielle Jam, Dundee Rep, Dundee Repertory Company, Emma Bailey, Emma Jones, Finn Anderson, Finn den Hertog director, Jean Sangster, Kirsten Henderson, Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Morna Young, Murray Fraser, Naomi Stirrat, Ritchie Young, Rori Hawthorn, Royal Lyceum Edinburgh, Samuel Pashby, Scottish, Sunset Song, Vicki Manderson, act, acting, actor, actors, arts, director, drama, dramatic, ensemble, entertainment, harvest, play, players, playing, production, stage, staged, staging, theatre, theatrical, thespian, thespians