
The Unicorn Theatre and Untitled Projects present “The End of Eddy”, adapted from Edouard Louis’ autobiographical novel by Pamela Carter, at The Studio, Potterrow, as part of the Edinburgh International Festival. This new stage adaptation is directed by Stewart Laing. The cast is: Alex Austin and Kwaku Mills. Picture shows: Alex Austin
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Alex Austin, EIF, Edinburgh International Fringe, France, French, Kwaku Mills, Pamela Carter, Potterrow, Stewart Laing, The End of Eddy, Unicorn Theatre, Untitled Projects, act, acting, actor, actors, anger, arts, autobiography, class, director, drama, dramatic, entertainment, gay, love, lust, play, players, playing, poor, poverty, power, production, sexuality, stage, staged, staging, the Studio, theatre, theatrical, thespian, thespians, Édouard Louis