
The Simon & Garfunkel Story opens at the Lyric, Shaftesbury Avenue. Starring Charles Blyth (as Art Garfunkel) and Sam O'Hanlon (as Paul SImon). This 50th Anniversary Celebration also features a full live band and brass orchestra performing all the hits including 'Mrs Robinson', 'Cecilia', 'Bridge Over Troubled Water', 'Homeward Bound' and many more. Written, directed and designed by Dean Elliott. Picture shows: Charles Blyth (as Art Garfunkel) and Sam O'Hanlon (as Paul SImon).
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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50th anniversary, Art Garfunkel, Charles Blyth, Dean Elliott, London, Lyric Theatre, Paul Simon, Sam O’Hanlon, West End, arts, brass ensemble, conductor, dance, dancer, dancing, director, drama, dramatic, entertainment, live band, lyrical, maestro, music, musical, musical theatre, sing, singer, singers, singing, stage, staged, staging, terpsichore, terpsichorean, theater, theatre, theatrical, triple threat