
Gandini Juggling and choreographer Alexander Whitley, present "Spring", a cross-art form show about colour and the perception of colour, at artsdepot. Spring is performed by jugglers Dominik Harant, Kati Yla-Hokkala, Kim Huynh, Liza van Brakel and Tristan Curty and dancer Erin O'Toole, from Gandini Juggling and dancers Yu-Hsien Wu, Tia Hockey and Leon Poulton, from Alexander Whitley Company.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Alex Whitley, Alexander Whitley, Alexander Whitley Company, Erin O'Toole, Gandini Juggling, Kati Ylä-Hokkala, Kim Huynh, Leon Poulton, Liza van Brakel, London, Spring, Tia Hockey, Tristan Curty, Yu-Hsien Wu, arts, artsdepot, choreographer, circus 250, color, colour, colours, cross-art, dance, dancer, dancers, dancing, entertainment, juggler, juggling, perception, production, show, stage, staged, staging, terpsichore, terpsichorean