
A Red-crowned Crane/ Tancho (Grus japonensis) in flight over the feeding place at Tsurumidai, Tsurui Town, Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan. Tsurumidai, in Tsurui Town is one of the feeding places in winter when they come out of the marsh searching for food. The site is run by voluntary staff. Tancho are a symbol of luck, fidelity and longevity.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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East Asian, Grus japonensis, Hokkaido, January, Japan, Kushiro, Manchurian Crane, Red-Crowned Crane, Sky, Snow, Tancho, Tsurui Town, Tsurumidai, arts, black, elegant, entertainment, feeding place, fidelity, flight, flying, gray, grey, landscape, longevity, luck, marsh, marshlands, natural, nature, rare, red, travel, white, winter, world