
Two Shed Theatre's AFRICAN GOTHIC, by Reza de Wet, directed by Roger Mortimer and Deborah Edgington, opens at Park Theatre. Picture shows: Oliver Gomm (Frikkie), Adam Ewan (Grové), Janna Fox (Sussie)
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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AFRICAN GOTHIC, Adam Ewan, Deborah Edgington director, Finsbury Park, Janna Fox, Jez Bond, Lesley Ewen, Oliver Gomm, PARK90, Park Theatre, Reza de Wet writer author, Roger Mortimer director, act, acting, actor, actors, actress, arts, costume, drama, dramatic, entertainment, perform, performer, performers, performing, play, players, playing, stage, staged, staging