
London, UK. 20.11.2014. Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts students present HER NAKED SKIN, by Rebecca Lenkiewicz, directed by Katie Henry, at the Bernie Grant Arts Centre. Lighting design by Neill Brinkworth. The cast inudes: Lucy Burke, Conor Cook, Emily Jane Forbes, Lottie Goodchild, Michael James, Megan King, Tom Manning, Lucy Penrose, Abigail Ribbans, Sophie Rodrigues, Elizabeth Stretton, Adam Wyn-Jones. Photograph © Jane Hobson.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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1913, Abigail Ribbans, Adam Wyn-Jones, Bernie Grants Art Centre, Conor Cook, Elizabeth Stretton, Emily Jane Forbes, Her Naked Skin, Katie Henry director, Lottie Goodchild, Lucy Burke, Lucy Penrose, Megan King, Michael James, Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts, Neill Brinkworth lighting, Rebecca Lenkiewicz writer, Sophie Rodrigues, Suffrage, Suffragettes, Tom Manning, act, acting, actor, actors, arts, drama, dramatic, emancipation, entertainment, play, production, stage, staged, staging, student, thespian, thespians