
Palermo, Sicilia, Italia. 06.05.2023. A woman in a straw hat, striped top and red skirt, with a cheked bag over one shoulder, crosses Quattro Canti (Piazza Vigliena), Palermo, Sicily, in the opposite direction to a group of tourists. Photograph © Jane Hobson.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Italia, Italy, May, Palermo, Piazza Vigliena, Quattro Canti, Sicilia, Sicily, Spring, black, dare to be different, differently abled, documentary, follow your own path, four croners, go your own way, hat, herd mentality, individual, outstanding, red, stand out, strawberries, street, style, stylish, tour group, tourism, tourist, tourists, travel, unique, white, woman