
Vaudeville Theatre, London, UK. 27.05.2021. Adam Lenson Productions presents the live world premiere of PUBLIC DOMAIN, a verbatim musical written and performed by Francesca Forristal and Jordan Paul Clarke, as part of Nica Burns’ Rising Stars Festival. Directed by Adam Lenson, with technical direction by Christian Czornyj, lighting design by Matt Daw, video design by Matt Powell, and costume and set design by Libby Todd. Photograph © Jane Hobson.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Adam Lenson, Aislin Evans, Alex Covell, Alex Lyne, Alexis McGivern, Allie Costa, Andrea Civera, Callie Egan, Carmen Law, Chloe Green, Christian Czornyj technical production, Dawn Parsonage, Donna Coulling, Eleanor Gardiner, Emily Ashbrook, Emma Thrower, Flick Isaac-Chilton, Florence Roberts, Francesca Forristal, Georgia Davis, Heather Kirk, Holly Lucas, Isaac Forristal Marshall, Jean-Paul Mark Shlom, Jenet Le Lacheur, Jonas Gawe, Jonathan Reid, Jordan Paul Clarke, Joshua Newman, Julia Fu, Kaidyn Hinds, Kara McLean, Kate Cooper, Kelly Damann, Leanne Sedin, Lexi Clare, Libby Todd costume designer, Lucy Jane Dickson, Matt Daw lighting designer, Mickey Jo Boucher, Neil Bastian, Nica Burns, Nimax, Nora Perone, Peter Parsonage, Public Domain, Ralph Warman, Rising Stars Festival, Tim Gilvin, West End, act, acting, actor, actors, arts, director, drama, dramatic, entertainment, female, influencer, live, male, music, musical, online, play, players, playing, production, sing, singer, singers, singing, social media, stage, staged, staging, theatre, theatrical, thespian, thespians, verbatim, web