
English National Opera presents a revival of Gilbert & Sullivan's "Iolanthe", at the London Coliseum. Directed by Cal McCrystal, with set and costume design by Paul Brown, original lighting design by Tim Mitchell, revival lighting design by Ian Jackson-French, and choreography by Lizzi Gee. The cast is: Samantha Price (Iolanthe), Ellie Laugharne (Phyllis), Catherin Wyn-Rogers (Queen of the Fairies), Marcus Farnsworth (Strephon), John Savournin (Lord Chancellor), Ben McAteer (Mountaratat), Ruairi Bowen (Earl Tolloller), Keel Watson (Private Willis), Llio Evans (Celia), Bethan Langford (Leila), Petra Massey (Fleta), Adam Brown (The Page), Clive Mantle (Captain Shaw).
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Adam Brown, Ben McAteer, Bethan Langford, Cal McCrystal, Catherine Wyn-Rogers, Clive Mantle, ENO, Ellie Laugharne, English National Opera, Gilbert & Sullivan, Ian Jackson-French lighting designer, Iolanthe, John Savournin, Keel Watson, Lizzi Gee, Llio Evans, London, London Coliseum, Marcus Farnsworth, Paul Brown costume designer, Petra Massey, Ruairi Bowen, Samantha Price, Tim Mitchell lighting designer, arts, clown, clowning, comic opera, drama, dramatic, entertainment, fun, funny, opera, operetta, production, revival, sing, singer, singing, stage, staged, staging