
Toneelgroep Amsterdam presents
"Roman Tragedies", a seamless interpretation of William Shakespeare's "Coriolanus", Julius Caesar" and "Anthony and Cleopatra", in the Barbican Theatre. The Barbican first introduced Toneelgroep Amsterdam to UK audiences in 2009 with this same production. Picture shows: Coriolanus - Gijs Scholten van Aschat (Coriolanus), Maria Kraakman (Cominius)
"Roman Tragedies", a seamless interpretation of William Shakespeare's "Coriolanus", Julius Caesar" and "Anthony and Cleopatra", in the Barbican Theatre. The Barbican first introduced Toneelgroep Amsterdam to UK audiences in 2009 with this same production. Picture shows: Coriolanus - Gijs Scholten van Aschat (Coriolanus), Maria Kraakman (Cominius)
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Alwin Pulinckx, Anthony and Cleopatra, Barbican, Bart Slegers, Chris Nietvelt, Coriolanus, Dutch, Eelco Smits, Frieda Pittoors, Gijs Scholten van Aschat, Hans Kesting, Harm Duco Schut, Helen Devos, Hugo Kooschijn, Ivo Van Hove director, Jan Versweyveld lighting designer, Janni Goslinga, Julius Caesar, Lies van Assche costume design, Maria Kraakman, Marieke Heebink, Ramsey Nasr, Toneelgroep Amsterdam, Video, William Shalespeare, act, acting, actor, actors, arts, drama, dramatic, entertainment, live action, stage, staging, stged, the Netherlands, theater, theatre, theatrical, thespian, thespians