
Marc Brew presents the world premiere of BREWBAND, in the Lilian Baylis Studio, Sadler's Wells. The performers are: Martyn Garside, Marta Masiero, Jill O'Sullivan, Peter Kelly, Alice Sheppard, Graeme Smillie. Picture shows: Jill O'Sullivan
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Alice Shepherd, Graeme Smillie, Jill O'Sullivan, Lilian Baylis Studio, Marc Brew Brewband, Marta Masiero, Martyn Garside, Out of This World, Peter Kelly, Sadler's Wells, ability, able, arts, choreographer, dance, dancer, dancers, dancing, disability, disbaled, entertainment, event, gig, identity, inclusive, music, musicians, perceptions, rock music, stage, staged, staging, world premiere