
Scottish Ballet presents the world premiere of The Snow Queen, at the Festival Theatre. The work is choreographed by Christopher Hampson, to the music of Rimsky-Korsakov, with set and costume design by Lez Brotherston, and lighting design by Paul Pyant. The cast is: Constance Devernay (Snow Queen), Bethany Kingsley-Garner (Gerda), Andrew Peasgood (Kai), Kayla-Maree Tarantolo (Lexi). The picture shows: Andrew Peasgood (Kai), Constance Devernay (Snow Queen).
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Aaron Venegas, Aisling Brangan, Alice Kawalek, Amy McEntee, Andrew Peasgood, Anna Williams, Araminta Wraith, Barnaby Rook Bishop, Bethany Kingsley-Garner, Bruno Micchiardi, Christopher Hampson, Christopher Harrison, Claire Souet, Constance Devernay, Constant Vigier, Cyprien Bouvier, Eado Turgeman, Edinburgh, Evan Loudon, Festival Theatre, Frozen, Grace Horler, Grace Paulley, Hannah Cubitt, Hans Christian Andersen, James Hobley, Jamie Reid, Jamiel Laurence, Javier Andreu, Jerome Anthony Barnes, Katlyn Addison, Kayla-Maree Tarantolo, Lez Brotherston designer, Madeline Squire, Marge Hendrick, Matthew Broadbent, Melissa Parsons, Nicholas Shoesmith, Noa Barry, Paul Pyant lighting designer, Rimbaud Patron, Rimsky-Korsakov, Rishan Benjamin, Roseanna Leney, Scottish Ballet Orchestra, Simon Schilgen, Sophie Martin, The Snow Queen, Thomas Edwards, Xolisweh Ana Richards, arts, ballet, balletic, choreographer, choreography, contemporary, dance, dancer, dancers, dancing, director, drama, dramatic, entertainment, lyrical, modern, stage, staged, staging, terpsichore, terpsichorean, theater, theatre, theatrical, world premiere