
London, UK. 25.05.2022. ALPMusicals Presents SIGNAL 11, at the 100 Club, London. Photograph © Jane Hobson.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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100 Club, Adam Hepworth, Adam Lenson, Ajay Srivastav, Amy Parker, Beaux Harris, Becoming Nigella, Cable Street, Christian Czornyj, Darren Clark, Echoes, Eleanor Griffiths, Emily Rose Simons, Evie Rose Lane, Freya Smith assistant director, Grayson Perry, In the Daytimer, Isaac Savage, Jack Williams, Jim Barne, Jonathan O'Neill, Josh Dever, Kit Buchan, Laura Barnard, Lewis Jenkins, Lizzy Connelly, Luke Bateman, Manolo Polidario, May, Meg McGrady, Megan Hughes, Michael Conley, Molly Lynch, Natasha Carp, Pete Hutchison, Phil Brown, Pippa Cleary, Regressa mi Amor, Rhys Jennings, Richard Thomas, Satanic Panic, Signal 11, Snow White & Me, Sooz Kempner, Stay, Stephen Scott Stark, Tamara Saringer, Tanya Truman, The Phase, Theo Jamieson, Tim Gilvin, Turing, U.me, Who the Fuck Would Want to be a Woman, Zoe Morris, arts, broken, composer, entertainment, lyricist, music, musical, new musical theatre, sing, singer, singing, theater, theatre