
“The Tailor of Inverness” has its London premiere at the Finborough Theatre, from Tuesday 14th May 2024, for a four week run. The show is written and performed by Matthew Zajac, directed by Ben Harrison, with design by Ali Maclaurin, lighting by Kai Fischer, music by Jonny Hardie and Gavin Marwick, and sound by Timothy Brinkhurst.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Ali Maclaurin designer, Amy Geddes, Ben Harrison director, Dad, Dogstar Theatre, Finborough Theatre, Galicia, Jonny Hardie, Kai Fischer lighting design, London, London Premiere, Matthew Zajac, Neil McPherson, Poland, Scottish, Soviet, The Tailor of Inverness, Ukraine, Voices from Ukraine, act, acting, actor, actors, arts, director, displacement, drama, dramatic, entertainment, father, play, players, playing, prisoner, production, stage, staged, staging, story, storytelling, survival, theatre, theatrical, thespian, thespians, true story