
The all-female HandleBards troupe pose for photos in Trafalgar Square, before setting off on their 1,000 mile journey from London to George Square in Edinburgh, stopping and performing at venues around the UK on the way. The women will join the group's already-established all-male troupe on the road, for the company's "4 for 400"season - four Shakespeare plays, each performed by four actors, who will cycle to over 70 parks, castles, boats, gardens, cathedrals, bicycle yards and stately homes this summer. Picture shows (L to R): Elle Dillon Reams, Lianne Harvey, Lizzie Muncey, Lotte Tickner.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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400 anniversary, Admiralty Arch, Edinburgh Fringe 2016, Handlebards, London, Romeo and Juliet, The Taming of the Shrew, Trafalgar Square, UK tour, William Shakespeare, all-female, arts, bicycle, cycling, cyclist, cyclists, entertainment, female, women, Elle Dillon-Reams, Lianne Harvey, Lizzie Muncey, Lotte Tickner