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Leeds, UK. 28.11.2018. Second Year students of BA (Hons) Dance (Contemporary), at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance, present NEW GROUND, in the RIley Theatre. This piece is: "Becoming" by choreographer Patricia Okenwa. the dancers are: Imogen Cooper, Laura Goodwin, Rickay Hewitt-Martin, Leah Jones, Adanna Lawrence, George Swattridge, Oliver Mozley, Louis Thato Partridge, Shahada Nataba. Photograph © Jane Hobson.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Adanna Lawrence, Aeron Preston, Alice Bowen, Amaury Lebrun, Anastasia Sheldon, At The End, BA (Hons) Dance (Contemporary), Becoming, Cheryl Him, Christy Lothian, Edgars Naglis, Elizabeth Maguire, Epiphany, Eric Assandri rehearsal director, George Swattridge, Horsemeat, Imogen Cooper, Jack Richardson, Josephine Norburn, Kitty Denton, Laura Goodwin, Leah Jones, Left Unseen, Louis Thato Partridge, Maria Christina Pritasari, Mark Baker lighting designer, Maximillian Revell, Melissa Burton costume designer, Mirabel Huang-Smith, Never Did Run Smooth, New Ground, Niamh Milligan, Nicole Nevitt, Northern School of Contemporary Dance, Oliver Mozley, Patricia Okenwa, Phil Sanger rehearsal director, Polly Constance, Reynaldo Santos, Rickay Hewitt-Martin, Rose Lewis, Shahada Nantaba, Shannon Dray, Wayne Parsons, William English, Zoe Letellier, arts, contemporary, dance, dancer, dancers, dancing, dress rehearsal, entertainment, grace, graceful, modern, perform, performer, performing, second years, stage, staged, staging, student, students, terpsichore, terpsichorean, train, training