
Astana Ballet Theatre presents a mixed bill of four one-act pieces, in their UK debut, in the Linbury Theatre, Royal Opera House. The piece shown is A FUEGO LENTO, choreographed by Ricardo Amarante. Performed by ballet dancers of Astana Ballet Theatre.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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A Fuego Lento, Aigul Tati choreographer, Ainur Abilgazina, Aizhan Mukatova, Astana Ballet, Darina Kairasheva, David Jonathan, Design, Dilara Shomayeva, Farkhad Buriyev, Ilya Manayenkov, Kazakhstan, Kazbek Akhmedyarov, Linbury Theatre, London, Love Fear Loss, Marina Kadyrkulova, Mukaram Avakhri choreographer, Olga Shaishmelashvili designer, ROH, Ricardo Amarante choreographer, Royal Opera House, Salome, Sundet Sultanov, Tatyana Ten, The Heritage of the Great Steppe, arts, ballet, balletic, contemporary, dance, dancer, dancers, dancing, director, drama, dramatic, entertainment, lyrical, modern, stage, staged, staging, terpsichore, terpsichorean, theater, theatre, theatrical