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Manuel Liñan presents new work “Amor, Amado, Amén”, in the Lilian Baylis Studio, Sadler’s Wells, London.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
Editorial use only. No commercial use permitted. UK copyright law applies to all print & online usage. NUJ newspaper space rates apply. Magazines please call for rates
Amor Amado Amén, Francisco Vinuesa, LGBTQ, Lilian Baylis Studio, Manuel Liñan, Sabio Janiak, Sadler's Wells, arts, choreographer, choreography, contemporary, dance, dancer, dancers, dancing, director, drama, dramatic, entertainment, gay, gender expression, intimacy, love, loving, lyrical, male, man, men, modern, passion, relationship, relationships, same sex, same-sex, sexuality, stage, staged, staging, terpsichore, terpsichorean, theater, theatre, theatrical, touch