
A European Shag sits on a cliff top on the Isle of May. The Isle of May is located in the north of the outer Firth of Forth, approximately 8 km (5.0 miles) off the coast of mainland Scotland. It is about 1.5 kilometres (0.9 miles) long and 0.5 kilometres (0.3 miles) wide. The island is owned and managed by NatureScot as a national nature reserve.
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Coast, Common Shag, East Lothian, European Shag, Fife, Firth of Forth, Great Britain, Heritage, Isle of May, North Berwick, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Scotland, Sea Campion, architecture, bird, bird sanctuary, cliff, cliffs, coastal, ecology, environment, green eyes, island, landscape, lichen, lighthouse, low light, nature reserve, rock, rocks, rocky, sea, seascape, sit, sitting