
London, UK. 23.05.23. New West End revival of Aspects of Love, Lyric Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue. With music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Don Black and Charles Hart, based on the novel by David Garnett, Aspects of Love is directed by Jonathan Kent. Set and costume design is by John McFarlane, Lighting Design by Jon Clark, Sound Design by Paul Groothius, Video Design by Douglas O’Connell, Choreography by Denni Sayers, Musical Supervision by Nicholas Skilbeck and the Musical Director is Cat Beverbridge. Picture shows: Michael Ball (George). Photograph © Jane Hobson.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Adam Blanshay Productions, Andrew Lloyd-Webber, Anna Unwin, Anthony Cable, Aspects of Love, Ben Heathcote, Cat Beveridge, Charles Hart, Chumisa Dornford-May, Daniel Jagusz-Holley, Danielle de Niese, David Garnett, Dennie Sayers, Dickon Gpugh, Don Black, Douglas O’Connell, Eu Jin Hwang, Indiana Ashworth, Jamie Bogyo, Joanna O’Hare, John McFarlane, Jon Clark, Jonathan Kent, Katie Mitton, Laura Pitt-Pulford, Linda Jarvis, Lyric Theatre, Max Weitzenhoffer, Michael Ball, Michael Matus, Millie Gubby, Natasha O’Brien, Nica Burns, Nicholas Skilbeck, Paul Groothius, Rosemary Ashe, Shaftesbury Avenue, Soophia Foroughi, Tegan Summer, The Really Useful Group Limited, Vinny Coyle, West End, act, acting, actor, actors, arts, director, drama, dramatic, entertainment, play, players, playing, production, stage, staged, staging, theatre, theatrical, thespian, thespians