
Edinburgh. UK. 28.07.22. “The Green Knight”, written and performed by Debbie Cannon, is performed as part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, at the Scottish Storytelling Centre. Directed by Flavia D’Avila, with dramaturgy by Jen McGregor. Picture shows: Debbie Cannon. Photograph © Jane Hobson.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Debbie Cannon, Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Flavia D’Avila, Jen McGregor, Netherbow, Scotland, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Sir Gawain, The Green Knight, act, acting, actor, actors, arts, director, drama, dramatic, entertainment, female, feminist, play, players, playing, production, solo, stage, staged, staging, theater, theatre, theatrical, thespian, thespians, woman