
Stirling, UK. 20.04.2017. Mark Murphy's V-TOL presents the world premiere of “Out of This World”, written and directed by Mark Murphy, at the Macrobert Arts Centre. The cast is: Sarah Swire (Ellen), Scott Hoatson (Antony), Catherine Cusack, Itxaso Moreno, Anwar Russell, Alex Palmer. Photograph © Jane Hobson.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Alex Palmer, Anwar Russell, Catherine Cusack, Itxaso Moreno, Macrobert Arts Centre, Mark Murphy's V-TOL, Out of This World, Sarah Swire, Scotland, Scott Hoatson, Stirling, Visual, act, acting, actor, aerial, aerialist, arts, circus, director, drama, dramatic, entertainment, love story, physical, stage, staged, staging, theater, theatre, theatrical, thespian, thespians, writer