
Kelly Gough stars in HARM, a new monologue by Bruntwood Prize award-winning playwright Phoebe Eclair-Powell, opening at the Bush Theatre on 17th May. Directed by Atri Banerjee, with set and costume design by Rosanna Vize, lighting design by Lee Curran, movement direction by Chi San Howard, and sound design by Jasmin Kent Rodgman. Picture shows: Kelly Gough.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Atri Banerjee, Bush Theatre, Chi San Howard, Harm, Jasmin Kent Rodgman, Kelly Gough, Lee Curran, Phoebe Eclair-Powell writer, Rosanna Vize, act, acting, actor, actors, arts, director, drama, dramatic, entertainment, influencer, online, play, players, playing, production, social media, stage, staged, staging, theatre, theatrical, thespian, thespians, web