
Edinburgh, UK. 27.07.2018. The Traverse Theatre presents the world premiere of, "Ulster American", written by David Ireland, as part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Directed by Gareth Nicholls, Assistant Director Kolbrún Björt Sigfúsdóttir, the designer is Becky Minto, sound designer MJ McCarthy, fight direction by EmmaClaire Brightlyn. Picture shows: Robert Jack, Lucianne McEvoy, Darrell D'Silva. Photograph © Jane Hobson.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Becky Minto designer, Darrel D'Silva, David Ireland, EdFringe, Edinburgh Festival Fringe, EmmaClaire Brightlyn fight director, Gareth Nicholls director, Kate Bonney lighting designer, Kolbrún Björt Sigfúsdóttir assistnat director, Leverhulme Arts Scholar, Lucianne McEvoy, MJ McCarthy sound designer, Robert Jack, Traverse Theatre, Ulster American, arts, entertainment, world premiere