
English Touring Opera presents THE TALES OF HOFFMANN, at the Britten Theatre, Royal College of Music. Written by Jacques Offenbach, with libretto by Jules Barbier, this production is directed by James Bonas. Picture shows: Matt R J Ward (Cochenille), Sam Furness (Hoffmann), Adam Tunnicliffe (Spalanzani), Louise Mott (Nicklausse)
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Adam Tunnicliffe, Ashley Mercer, Britten Theatre, ETO, English Touring Opera, Ilona Domnich, Jacques Offenbach, James Bonas director, Louise Mott, Mark Howland lighting designer, Matt R J Ward, Oliver Townsend costume set designer, Royal College of Music, Sam Furness, Tim Dawkins, Warwick Fyfe, arts, costume, entertainment, music, musical, operatic, sing, singer, singing, stage, staged, staging, theater, theatrical