
The visionary contemporary choreographer and director Wayne McGregor leads his critically acclaimed Company Wayne McGregor with “Autobiography” at the Festival Theatre, as part of the Edinburgh International Festival.
For 25 years, Wayne McGregor has made choreography that interrogates life through the experience of the body. Now McGregor turns his attention to the body as archive, with a dance portrait illuminated by the sequencing of his own genome by world-leading geneticists. Autobiography, is an abstract meditation on aspects of self, life, writing, refracting both remembered pasts and speculative futures. The company is: Daniela Neugebauer, Fukiko Takase, Jacob O’Connell, James Pett, Jessica Wright, Jordan Jarnes, Louis McMiller, Po-Lin Tung, Rebecca Bassett-Graham, Travis Clausen-Knight. Picture shows: Fukiko Takase.
For 25 years, Wayne McGregor has made choreography that interrogates life through the experience of the body. Now McGregor turns his attention to the body as archive, with a dance portrait illuminated by the sequencing of his own genome by world-leading geneticists. Autobiography, is an abstract meditation on aspects of self, life, writing, refracting both remembered pasts and speculative futures. The company is: Daniela Neugebauer, Fukiko Takase, Jacob O’Connell, James Pett, Jessica Wright, Jordan Jarnes, Louis McMiller, Po-Lin Tung, Rebecca Bassett-Graham, Travis Clausen-Knight. Picture shows: Fukiko Takase.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Aitor Throup costume designer, Ben Cullen Williams set designer projection, Carolina Performing Arts, Company Wayne McGregor, Daniela Neugebauer, EIF, Edinburgh, Edinburgh International Festival, Festival Theatre, Festspielhaus St Polten, Fukiko Takase, Jacob O’Connell, James Pett, Jessica Wright, Jordan Jarnes, Louis McMiller, Lucy Carter lighting designer, Movimentos Festwochen der Autostadtin Wolfsburg, Po-Lin Tung, Rebecca Bassett-Graham, Sadler’s Wells, Travis Clausen-Knight, Uzma Hameed dramaturgy, Wayne McGregor, arts, autobiography, ballet, balletic, choreographer, contemporary, dance, dancer, dancers, dancing, director, drama, dramatic, entertainment, future, genes, genetic, genetics, genome, life, lyrical, modern, past, reflective, self, speculative, stage, staged, staging, terpsichore, terpsichorean, theatre, theatrical, writing