
English Touring Opera presents Gioachini Rossini's "Elizabeth I", directed by James Conway, at the Hackney Empire. Lighting design is by Rory Beaton, with set and costume design by Frankie Bradshaw. The cast is: Mary Plazas (Elizabeth I), Luciano Botelho (Leicester), John-Colyn Gyeantey (Norfolk), Lucy Hall (Matilde), Joseph Doody (Guglielmo) and Emma Stannard (Enrico). Picture shows: Emma Stannard (Enrico), Luciano Botelho (Leicester).
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Design, ETO, Earl of Leicester, Emma Stannard, English Touring Opera, Frankie Bradshaw designer, Gioachino Rossini, Hackney Empire, James Conway Director, John Andrews conductor, John-Colyn Gyeantey, Joseph Doody, Luciano Botelho, Lucy Hall, Mary Plazas, Rory Beaton lighting designer, Rosie Purdis Associate Director, act, acting, actor, arts, conductor, costume, designer, director, drama, dramatic, entertainment, historical, history, lighting, maestro, music, opera, operatic, perform, performer, performing, production, set, sing, singer, singers, singing, stage, staged, staging, theatre, theatrical, trouser role. Elizabeth I