
Edinburgh, UK. 18.08.2016. Scottish Ballet present a double bill of Angelin Preljocaj's "MC 14/22" and Crystal Pite's "Emergence", at the Festival Theatre, as part of the Edinburgh International Festival. The piece shown is: "MC 14/22", choreographed by Angelin Preljocaj. Photograph © Jane Hobson.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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Alan Brodie Lighting designer, Angelin Prejlocaj, Christopher Hampson, Crystal Pite, Daniel Jasiak Costume designer, Daniel Jasiak Costume designer
Patrick Riou Lighting designer, EIF, Jay Gower Taylor Set designer, Linda Chow Costume designer, MC 14/22, MC 14/22 (Ceci est mon corps), Patrick Riou Lighting designer Edinburgh International Festival, Scottish Ballet, arts, ballerina, ballet, brutality, dance, dancer, dancers, dancing, entertainment, man, men, perform, performer, performers, performing, sensual, sensuality, stage, staged, staging, terpsichore, terpsichorean, woman, women