
Edinburgh, UK. 29.07.2018. Lakin McCarthy, in association with Nick of Time Productions Ltd, presents “Check Up: Our NHS at 70”, by Mark Thomas, at the Traverse Theatre, as part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Directed Nicolas Kent. with set, lighting and video design by Jon Driscoll. Picture shows: Mark Thomas. Photograph © Jane Hobson.
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205 www.janehobson.com
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54, 84, Check Up, Death, EdFringe, Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Helen Atkinson sound designer, Jon Driscoll Set Video & Lighting Designer, Lakin McCarthy, Mark Thomas, National Health Service, Nick of Time Productions Ltd, Nicolas Kent director, Susan McNicholas Researcher, Thea Stevenson Interview Filming, Traverse, act, acting, activism, activist, actor, actors, arts, check-up, checkup, comedian, comedy, demise, director, drama, dramatic, entertainment, health, life, our NHS at 70, perform, performer, performing, play, players, playing, political, production, raconteur, seventy, stage, staged, staging, theater, theatre, theatrical, thespian, thespians